Adjusting Page Attributes

To hide a page from navigation

  1. Select the Page Settings (Gear) button on the top toolbar.
  2. Select Attributes.
  3. Within the sidebar, scroll down to find 'Exclude from Nav'.
  4. Click on the option so that it is highlighted with a blue background (if it is not already).
  5. On the right hand side, find the 'Exclude From Nav' attribute and check its checkbox.
  6. Select Save Changes.
  7. Select the Edit Page (Pencil) button on the top toolbar.
  8. Finally, select the blue Publish Changes button.

Hiding a page from navigation does not prevent the page from being accessed, it simply stops a link to it from being shown on automatic navigation. You can still create links to the page manually.

Other useful attributes

The attributes panel offers other built-in attributes that are useful for controlling your pages:

  • Description
  • Exclude From Page List
  • Exclude From Sitemap
  • Exclude From Search Index
  • Exclude Sub-Pages From Nav

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