Signing In and Out

To make changes to your site you will need to first sign in via the login page. This can be found by adding /index.php/login to the end of your site's address, e.g.

Enter your administrator Username (or email if prompted) and Password and press the Sign In button.

Signing in will return you to your site's home page, with a new tool bar across the top of the page.

What browsers can I use to edit my site?

concrete5 is designed to work with modern browsers, such as Google Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Internet Explorer 10+ and Microsoft Edge. It is recommended you use a recently released browser to avoid editing issues. Basic editing tasks are possible on a tablet device, but it is recommended that you use a non-touch device for full editing control.

Signing Out

Once you have completed your editing tasks it is good practice to sign out of your website.

To sign out select the Dashboard (Sliders) button on the top right of the toolbar and select the Sign Out link at the bottom of the panel.

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