Deleting, Restoring Pages and Versioning

Deleting Pages

Via the sitemap, left click on the page you wish to delete to bring up a menu. Click on Delete to delete the page and move it to the 'Trash'.

Restoring Pages

Pages that are deleted in concrete5 are not deleted completely - they are moved to a 'Trash' section within the sitemap, from where you can restore them if necessary.

To view the Trash:

  • Click the Dashboard button on the toolbar and select Sitemap.
  • Check the Include System Pages in Sitemap checkbox, the Trash section will now be visible.
  • Drag pages out of the Trash section to restore them.

Page Versioning

When a page is published previous revisions of the page are retained. To view previous versions of a page:

  1. Select the Page Settings (Gear) button on the top toolbar.
  2. Select Versions.
  3. Click on a page version - it will be previewed
  4. While hovering over a page version, click the arrow icon next to the timestamp of the version to bring up a menu
  5. Select Approve to make that version the current visible version of the page

Note: When adjusting the page version, take note of the 'Page is Pending Approval' notice - unapproved newer page versions will be shown while you are editing the site and will ask to be approved. Through the Versions panel you can also delete versions if they are no longer required.

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